Greenplum database is optimized for faster searches. For searching data in tables having millions of rows, Greenplum is really fast.
Given below is a C# example for opening a connection to GP database and executing a search query.
1) The first step is to download the dll which connects to GP. It is called Npgsql.dll. It can be downloaded from
2) Create a C#.NET console application using Visual Studio.
3) Create a new file for GP connection. Lets name it GPDData.cs
4) Copy the dll to a local folder in the project and add a reference to the dll from project. Or you can register it in Global Assembly Cache using "gacutil".
5) Include the namespace
using Npgsql;
6) In the GPData class create method to execute query in greenplum as given below.
public DataSet FillDataSet(string strCommand,string strConnection) { NpgsqlConnection oConnection = new NpgsqlConnection(strConnection); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); NpgsqlCommand oCommand = new NpgsqlCommand(strCommand, oConnection); NpgsqlDataAdapter oAdp = new NpgsqlDataAdapter(); oCommand.CommandTimeout = 100; oAdp.SelectCommand = oCommand; oConnection.Open(); oAdp.Fill(ds); CloseConnection(); return ds; } public void CloseConnection() { if (oConnection.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { oConnection.Close(); } }
7) Now you can execute query by calling the method as given below.
GPData oData = new GPData(); DataSet ds = oData.FillDataSet([command],[connectionstring]);
Great article mate Keep up the great work !!!!
Thanks for the article!
an example for connectionString and command would be:
const string selectCommand = "SELECT fname, lname FROM tableName LIMIT 100;";
const string inssertCommand = "INSERT INTO tableName (fname, lname) VALUES ('muki', 'shuki');";
const string connectionstring = "Server=;Port=5423;User Id=admin;Password=passw;Database=DbName;";
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