Create temp table to store data
CREATE table #tmp (comp_id int,comp_name varchar(20), [month] int,rev int) GO insert into #tmp values (200,'comp1',1,32144) insert into #tmp values (200,'comp1',2,56234) insert into #tmp values (200,'comp1',3,1000) insert into #tmp values (211,'comp2',1,2364) insert into #tmp values (211,'comp2',2,8762) insert into #tmp values (211,'comp2',3,7644) insert into #tmp values (211,'comp2',3,1111) insert into #tmp values (211,'comp2',3,1111) insert into #tmp values (213,'comp3',3,1111)
Now if we want to show the month as columns (like ‘1’,’2’,’3’ etc) we can use PIVOT expression as given below
SELECT * FROM #tmp t PIVOT (SUM(rev) FOR [month] IN ([1],[2],[3])) pvt
We can also UNPIVOT the result as given below
/*get ‘pivot’ data into another temp table #tmp2*/ SELECT * INTO #tmp1 FROM #tmp t PIVOT (SUM(rev) FOR [month] IN ([1],[2],[3])) pvt /*UNPIVOT the data*/ SELECT * FROM #tmp1 t UNPIVOT (rev FOR [month] IN ([1],[2],[3])) pvt