Monday, March 18, 2019

Get dictionary object from list

When you get dictionary object from a list in C#, make sure that you select distinct values for the dictionary key. Otherwise the compiler will throw run time error if there are duplicates.

lst.GroupBy(x=>>x.First()).ToDictionary(r =>, k => k.enabled);

Here is an example of how to select distinct keys from list and to return them in dictionary object.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Lazy initialization in C#

Lazy<T> can be used in C# to delay the initialization of an object. It can be used in singleton architecture as given in the below example.

public static Lazy<MyClass> MyClassInstance = new Lazy<MyClass>(()=> new MyClass());

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Using table type and batch update statements in MS SQL

Given below is an example on how to use table types. Table types can be used to pass data array data from code to SQL stored procedure instead of passing the data in CSV or XML format. The example also shows how to batch SQL update statements.

       [Val] [bigint] NULL

DECLARE @tableType [dbo].[BIGIntArrayTemp]
insert into @tableType (val) values      (1)
insert into @tableType (val) values      (2)
insert into @tableType (val) values      (4)
insert into @tableType (val) values      (8)
insert into @tableType (val) values      (7)
insert into @tableType (val) values      (4)
insert into @tableType (val) values      (6)   
DECLARE @records TABLE(records_id INT IDENTITY(1,1),SomeId BIGINT)
DECLARE @toprecords TABLE(SomeId BIGINT)

DECLARE @tmp TABLE(SomeId BIGINT,flag bit)
insert into @tmp(SomeId) values   (1)
insert into @tmp(SomeId) values   (2)
insert into @tmp(SomeId) values   (4)
insert into @tmp(SomeId) values   (8)
insert into @tmp(SomeId) values   (7)
insert into @tmp(SomeId) values   (4)
insert into @tmp(SomeId) values   (6)
insert into @tmp(SomeId) values   (10)
INSERT INTO @records (SomeId)
SELECT        SomeId
FROM          @tmp t
INNER JOIN  @tableType ids ON ids.Val =  t.SomeId

DECLARE @count             INT
DECLARE @batch_size INT

SET @batch_size = 100 --set batch size

INSERT INTO @toprecords (SomeId)
       SELECT top (@batch_size) SomeId FROM @records ORDER BY records_id desc

SELECT @count = COUNT(1) FROM @toprecords

WHILE (@count > 0)
       BEGIN TRY 
              BEGIN TRANSACTION --Begin transaction for each batch
              UPDATE g
              SET g.flag=1
              FROM @tmp g
                     INNER JOIN @toprecords t
              ON t.SomeId = g.SomeId
              -- clean toprecords table variable
              DELETE FROM @toprecords

              -- remove the top records
              DELETE FROM dd
              FROM (
                     SELECT top (@batch_size) * FROM @records ORDER BY records_id desc
              ) dd

              -- select next top records
              INSERT INTO @toprecords (SomeId)
                     SELECT top (@batch_size) SomeId FROM @records ORDER BY records_id desc

              SELECT @count = count(1) FROM @toprecords
              COMMIT TRANSACTION -- commit transaction for each batch

       END TRY 
                     ROLLBACK TRANSACTION -- rollback if any error occurs
       END CATCH



Another way to implement it without try...catch and transaction

DECLARE @tableType [dbo].[BIGIntArrayTemp]
insert into @tableType (val) values      (1)
insert into @tableType (val) values      (2)
insert into @tableType (val) values      (4)
insert into @tableType (val) values      (8)
insert into @tableType (val) values      (7)
insert into @tableType (val) values      (4)
insert into @tableType (val) values      (6)  
DECLARE @records TABLE(records_id INT IDENTITY(1,1),SomeId BIGINT)
DECLARE @updatelist TABLE(SomeId BIGINT)

DECLARE @tmp TABLE(SomeId BIGINT,flag bit)
insert into @tmp(SomeId) values   (1)
insert into @tmp(SomeId) values   (2)
insert into @tmp(SomeId) values   (4)
insert into @tmp(SomeId) values   (8)
insert into @tmp(SomeId) values   (7)
insert into @tmp(SomeId) values   (4)
insert into @tmp(SomeId) values   (6)
insert into @tmp(SomeId) values   (10)

DECLARE @count             INT
DECLARE @batch_size INT,@RecordCount INT

SET @batch_size = 2 --set batch size

INSERT INTO @records (SomeId)
       SELECT        SomeId
       FROM          @tmp t
       INNER JOIN  @tableType ids ON ids.Val =  t.SomeId
Select @RecordCount = @@RowCount --initialize RecordCount
WHILE (@RecordCount > 0)
       Delete top(@batch_size) r
       Output deleted.SomeId Into @updatelist
       From @records r

       Select @RecordCount = @@RowCount --update record count variable
       PRINT ('Record Count  --'+ convert(varchar,@RecordCount))
    UPDATE g
    SET g.flag=1
    FROM @tmp g
            INNER JOIN @updatelist t
    ON t.SomeId = g.SomeId
    -- clean toprecords table variable
    Delete from @updatelist

    Waitfor Delay '00:00:00.5'




Table type data can be used in stored procedure to pass array data.

       @ids dbo.[BIGIntArrayTemp] READONLY
       -- Proc body